
Industry Testimonials

I evaluated PI and the GMP program extensively before making my decision. If you are considering overhauling your TPE331, the PI GMP is the way to go. It was for me. I now have 7000 hour engines that are forever young -- who can beat that?
Twin Commander Owner/Operator

Ian Herzog
Law Offices of Ian Herzog

“I can see this program not only working on older aircraft, but also on new conversions. The program assists operators with enrollment while providing a competitive support program that eliminates the operator’s risk of high cost engine maintenance events.”

Russ Williams
West Star Aviation

“More and more customers are seeking to pay a fixed rate per hour instead of experiencing huge spiked costs of a major scheduled engine event, or even worse the cost of an unscheduled major repair. The PI program provides lower costs and predictability.”

Dennis Braner
Intercontinental Jet